Enrico Fermi - Scientist Wanted - 5/27/18

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 8B Scientist Wanted Poster Summary Born on September 29, 1901 from an intelligent teacher, Enrico Fermi had great interest in physics as young kid. At the age of 33, he discovered nuclear transformation, which led to discovery of slowing down neutrons and nuclear fission. In America, he discovered that if uranium neutrons were emitted into fissioning uranium, it would have a chain reaction. He had other experiments which led to the creation of the world’s first nuclear reactor in Chicago. SP8 - Communicating Information This week, I communicated information when I created a scientist wanted poster about Enrico Fermi. I spent days doing research on a scientist I chose, and I chose Enrico Fermi. Using what I learned about him, I made a scientist wanted poster. After creating the poster, I shared what I learned to the class using Flipgrid. I basically summarized what I learned. After that, I made a reply video to one of the classmates about what I learn...