EOY Project Blog - 5/21/17

End of Year Project Blog: Victor N. 7A this is our project build/prototype. Summary This project was quite interesting. Instead of writing about the whole project, I will be focusing on the science portion of this project. In this project, we are to look a different environmental accords, chose one and research different clean cities to look for that accord. We chose the accord, transportation and the city, San Francisco. We learned that San Francisco wasn't always a clean city, because from the all the vehicles driving around which causes pollution to the earth. But then they decided to resolve that. They did by having people drive more eco-friendly vehicles, like electric vehicles. They also suggest people to ride their bikes more. As you can see, San Francisco wasn't always clean city, but they decided to resolve that problem. Backward Looking I didn't really know much about this project, before we started. But I did know that urban village needed somethin...