EOY Project Blog - 5/21/17

End of Year Project Blog: Victor N. 7A

this is our project build/prototype. 


This project was quite interesting. Instead of writing about the whole project, I will be focusing on the science portion of this project. In this project, we are to look a different environmental accords, chose one and research different clean cities to look for that accord. We chose the accord, transportation and the city, San Francisco. We learned that San Francisco wasn't always a clean city, because from the all the vehicles driving around which causes pollution to the earth. But then they decided to resolve that. They did by having people drive more eco-friendly vehicles, like electric vehicles. They also suggest people to ride their bikes more. As you can see, San Francisco wasn't always clean city, but they decided to resolve that problem.

Backward Looking

I didn't really know much about this project, before we started. But I did know that urban village needed something to keep the village sustainable, keep it green, and/or keep it healthy. But after doing this project, I knew more. I learned that, the "something" are the environmental accords. Environmental accords help urban villages to be more sustainable and stay that way. As you can see, I didn't know much about this project before we started. 

Inward Looking

At first, I was proud of our work of this project. But after seeing what we have done and how we got it done, I am kind of disappointed. I feel disappointed, because I feel like we haven't put a lot of effort into the work. We just put a random accord. Then thought of a city that has the accord in it. But at the end, we did a bit of research of why it became a clean city. As you can see, I felt proud, but now I don't about this project.

Outward Looking

I felt like I did my work like how others did theirs. I feel this, because us, and other people first looked at accords, researched them with clean cities, and then we all presented it. In addition, our city is San Francisco, which is in California. And group I think also did a city in California. As you can see, I did my like how others did theirs.

Forward Looking

One thing I would have improved on is the slide presentation. In the slide presentation, I feel like we didn't have many images. I think if we had more images, people would have a better understanding and visualization of what we are saying. I feel like we should have gone outside the box, and chose a city that wasn't in the US. As you can see, I would have improve on many things. 

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