Rocks - Geologic Time I - 9/3/17
Weekly Blog : Victor N. 8B "Metamorphic Rock" "Sedimentary Rock" "Igneous Rock" Fossil "ORGANISM" cards Summary This week, we have learned many things. This week, we learned that geology is the study of the planet Earth and the forces that make and shape the Earth. Uniformitarianism, or Abram's principle are things that happened in the past and it help geologists understand Earth's history. James Hutton said, "Geologic processes that operate today also operated in the past." I also learned about the rock cycle; there are 3 rocks that are classified into three rocks, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks are made through fire, sedimentary rocks are made through settling, and metamorphic rocks are made through change. I then learned about land form. Land forms are the features of the Earth's surface. There are 2 plates, continental and oceanic crust. There are 3 boundaries, divergent whic...