Rocks - Geologic Time I - 9/3/17

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 8B

"Metamorphic Rock"
"Sedimentary Rock"
"Igneous Rock"
Fossil "ORGANISM" cards


This week, we have learned many things. This week, we learned that geology is the study of the planet Earth and the forces that make and shape the Earth. Uniformitarianism, or Abram's principle are things that happened in the past and it help geologists understand Earth's history. James Hutton said, "Geologic processes that operate today also operated in the past." I also learned about the rock cycle; there are 3 rocks that are classified into three rocks, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks are made through fire, sedimentary rocks are made through settling, and metamorphic rocks are made through change. I then learned about land form. Land forms are the features of the Earth's surface. There are 2 plates, continental and oceanic crust. There are 3 boundaries, divergent which divides and makes cracks, convergent which go in and makes mountains, and transform which rubs and makes earthquakes. Land forms changes overtimes through erosion and weathering. Lastly, I learned about the relative ages of rocks. The geologic time scale is the record of the life form and geologic events in Earth's history. Earth has been living for about 4.6 billion years. The relative age is the age of a rock compared to another rock's age. The absolute age is the exact number of years since a rock was formed. The law of superposition states that in horizontal sedimentary rock layers, the top layer is the youngest, the middle layers are older than the top and younger than the bottom layer, which is the oldest. The Cross-cutting the Principle is when something cuts across a body of rock, that "something" is younger than the rock is cuts across. Some clues from the igneous rock is that when the lava hardens, its called extrusion. When the lava cools are hardens, it called intrusion. Faults are always younger than the rock it cuts through.When new rock layers are much younger than the layers beneath it, it is called uncomformity. As you can see, I have learned many things.

SP2 - Developing and Using Models

This week, I used SP2 - developing and using models. I used this on Tuesday, when we did the lab. We used starbust candies to represent the 3 different types of rocks, and how the cycle works. We started with a piece of candy. I modeled weathering rocks by cutting up the candy. I made the rock into a sedimentary rock when I pressed the rocks together. I made a metamorphic rock by flattening the rocks. We melted the rocks to make an igneous rocks. I used this step on Thursday when I cut out pieces of continents and made it into Pangaea. This showed drawings. As you can see, I used SP2.

XCC - Cause and Effect

This week, I learned about the rock cycle and geologic time scale. The effect of weathering and erosion, melting, and/or adding heat and pressure can cause a one rock to change into another. The effect of an igneous rock turning into a sedimentary is cause of weathering and erosion, and turning into a metamorphic rock cause of adding heat and pressure. The effect of a sedimentary rock turning into a igneous rock is the cause of melting, and turning into a metamorphic rock cause of adding heat and pressure. The effect of a metamorphic rock turning into a igneous rock is caused of melting, and turning into a sedimentary rock caused by weathering and erosion. The cause of weathering and erosion can cause land forms to change over time. Since the earth is constantly moving, the rocks and plates of the Earth are too. Earthquakes are caused when the two plates are rubbing against each other. Mountains are caused when the plates moves towards each other. Lastly, cracks and sea floors are caused when the two plates go the opposite way from each other. As you can see, these are the cause and effect of rock cycle and landforms.


This week, I was Wanderer, because I observed many things. I was this, because I felt like observed and found things out rather than ask questions and wanting to know things.

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