
Showing posts from January, 2017

Epigenetics - 1/29/2017

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A Image image Location Summary This week, we have been doing some similar things like in the past few weeks. We continued to work on our superhero project, and learning our super-baby, seeing what is the possibility of its epigenetics and how our superhero was mutated. Throughout this week, I have learned many things. For th e first two -three class periods, we were seeing what epigenetics our superbaby ha s, and we had to draw it out. My baby was a t risk of being obese, and has b reast cancer . He lives in Do nutopolis , with Jak ob , Sean, and Pierson. On Thu rsday, w e were supposed to have sub, but change of plans. W e learned about GMO and mutations. We wor ked on that during Thu rsday and Fri day. On Friday, we did our mastery quest. As you can see, I have learned many things this week, like learning our super-baby, seeing what is the possibility of its epigenetics and how our superhero was mutated. SP6 - Constructing explanat

Punnett Squares - 1/15/2017

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A Image Image Location Summary This week, we have been doing some similar things like in the past few weeks. We continued to work on our superhero project, and learning about punnet squares, seeing what is the possibility of a gene. Throughout this week, I have learned many things. For example, there are 2 principles. The first one, the Principle of Segregation. Mendel decided that sex cells - sperm and eggs - contain only half of the genes from each parent. The second one, the Principle of Independent Assortment: genes for different traits distribute independently of one another when garnets  are formed. This is just saying there are different possibilities. Look above in the image, the probability of getting brown eyes is 75%, because 3 of the squares have a dominant genotypes. As you can see, I have learned many things this week, like you can see the different possibilities by looking at the phenotypes and genotypes in a punnett square. S&

Genes - 1/08/2017

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A Image Image Location Summary This week, we continued to work on and learn about genes and heredity. We didn't have school on Monday. On Tuesday, we were given a worksheet, to fill about. I t was about genetics. This was to have us understand heredity more. I learned what genes, allele, etc, and what they all do. We had two class periods to work on that. On Wednesday, I think, we learned about our own heredity and what trait we have. I learned which traits were dominant and recessive. On Thursday, after we finished the worksheet. We were given another worksheet, but this one we have to complete a game with. It was about heredity with dogs. We have to match to different dogs to make one specific dog, like  dog with black hair, long coat, etc. On Friday, we got our superhero back, and chose a villain for it, and we wrote the traits out for each.  S&EP7 - Engaging in Argument From Evidence I would say I used argument from evidence. Fo