Punnett Squares - 1/15/2017

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A



This week, we have been doing some similar things like in the past few weeks. We continued to work on our superhero project, and learning about punnet squares, seeing what is the possibility of a gene. Throughout this week, I have learned many things. For example, there are 2 principles. The first one, the Principle of Segregation. Mendel decided that sex cells - sperm and eggs - contain only half of the genes from each parent. The second one, the Principle of Independent Assortment: genes for different traits distribute independently of one another when garnets  are formed. This is just saying there are different possibilities. Look above in the image, the probability of getting brown eyes is 75%, because 3 of the squares have a dominant genotypes. As you can see, I have learned many things this week, like you can see the different possibilities by looking at the phenotypes and genotypes in a punnett square.

S&EP7 - Engaging in Argument From Evidence

I would say I used argument from evidence. For example, in the past five class periods, we had to fill and answer many worksheets about punnet squares, and see what is possibility of a trait, of dominant heterozygous or homozygous traits.  When I answered the questions in the worksheet, I had to explain why. As you can see, I used evidence to defend my explanation.

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