
Showing posts from March, 2017

Isotopes - 4/2/17

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 7A Image Location Summary This week, we have learned many things. For example, we learned about isotopes, and energy level of element. On Monday, we finished learning about isotopes. Isotopes are atoms that have the same number of protons. They have different number of neutrons. All atoms of a particular element have the same atomic number. Isotopes of the same element have different mass number. On Tuesday, we learned about finding the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each element. This is called energy level of the element. You can find the number of protons, by subtracting the atomic mass from the number of electrons. On Wednesday, we learned that there are 4 electrons in the 1st energy level, and 8 electrons in the 2nd and 3rd energy level. On Thursday, we learned about our behavior, in the assembly. As you can see I have learned many things this week, like learning about isotopes and energy level of elements. SP5: Using mathematics

Volume, Density, Ions - 3/26/17

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 7A Image Location Summary This week, we have learned many things. For example, we did an exciting lab about volume and density, and then learned about ions. Before the lab, we talked about what volume and density is. Volume is the amount of space in a certain object. Density is the amount space in a certain volume. When we did the lab, we found different ways to find volume, like using the water displacement method, and using a formula. When using the water displacement method, we found the volume before adding things, the volume after, and then took the difference as the volume. In order to find the density, we used the formula D=M/V. Using my knowledge of volume and density, I think the titanic floated but sank because the front half of the ship had more mass making it dense. The front half having more dense, making it go down, breaking it in half. Then on Thursday, we learned about ions. Ions are atoms that have lost or gained electrons. Cations are

Ecosystems - 3/12/17

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 7A Image Location Summary This week, we have done many things. For example, we worked on two gizmos, and did an experiment all relating to the ecosystem. Throughout this week, I have learned many things. On Monday, we were given a gizmo. For the two class period, we worked on the gizmo, seeing what would happen if we cut down a certain population. Then, the next class periods, we did an experiment kinda like the gizmo. We were given four cups, each cup having different numbers of wholes in the bottom. We put the cup full of water in the graduated cylinder, then pour it into cup one, two, thee, four, back to the cylinder. At the end we see how much water is left. We did three times. See how much energy/water is left. That is the water efficiency. On Friday, we were given another gizmo. This gizmo, we learned what would happen if you increased a certain population. In the first gizmo, I learn what would happen if I would cut down a population, like tree