Volume, Density, Ions - 3/26/17

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 7A


This week, we have learned many things. For example, we did an exciting lab about volume and density, and then learned about ions. Before the lab, we talked about what volume and density is. Volume is the amount of space in a certain object. Density is the amount space in a certain volume. When we did the lab, we found different ways to find volume, like using the water displacement method, and using a formula. When using the water displacement method, we found the volume before adding things, the volume after, and then took the difference as the volume. In order to find the density, we used the formula D=M/V. Using my knowledge of volume and density, I think the titanic floated but sank because the front half of the ship had more mass making it dense. The front half having more dense, making it go down, breaking it in half. Then on Thursday, we learned about ions. Ions are atoms that have lost or gained electrons. Cations are ions that have lost elections. This gives them a positive charge. Anions are ions that have gained electrons. This gives them a negative charge. As you can see I have learned many things this week, like learning more about volume, density, and ions.

SP4 - Analyzing and Interpreting Data

This week, I'd say we analyzed and interpreted data, when we did our lab. During the lab, we had to fill our worksheets. In those worksheets, we determined the volume and density, this is data. I'd say we also analyzed data, when we did the worksheets about ions. We determined either if the element was a cation or an anion. As you can see, this week I analyzed and interpreted data.

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