Ecosystems - 3/12/17

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 7A

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This week, we have done many things. For example, we worked on two gizmos, and did an experiment all relating to the ecosystem. Throughout this week, I have learned many things. On Monday, we were given a gizmo. For the two class period, we worked on the gizmo, seeing what would happen if we cut down a certain population. Then, the next class periods, we did an experiment kinda like the gizmo. We were given four cups, each cup having different numbers of wholes in the bottom. We put the cup full of water in the graduated cylinder, then pour it into cup one, two, thee, four, back to the cylinder. At the end we see how much water is left. We did three times. See how much energy/water is left. That is the water efficiency. On Friday, we were given another gizmo. This gizmo, we learned what would happen if you increased a certain population. In the first gizmo, I learn what would happen if I would cut down a population, like trees. In this case, animals including humans would die, because we wouldn't have oxygen to breathe. In the second gizmo, I learned if what happen if you increased a certain population. These all tied into the ecosystems, which helps us. Ecosystems are made up of living things.As you can see, I have learned many things this week, like water/energy efficiency, and increasing and decreasing a certain population.

SP6 - Constructing explanations, and designing solutions

I would say I explained something through my work. This week, we had to do a few gizmos and an experiment. In the gizmo, I had to explain why I think something is correct. And in the experiment, after we looked at some patterns, and we explained why this is. For example, one question was something like "Why do you think this would hurt the animals?" I explained why. As you can see, I used some explanation in the work.

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