Charity Fair Project Blog - 12/21/17
Charity Fair Project Blog: Victor N. 8B Above : Our Charity Fair Trifold (Created in Elective) Summary To start off, this is my second and last Charity Fair in the AdVENTURE program. My group, Riccardo, Sohini, and I chose to help World of Children charities, by making fortune cookies. I learned that we should always work as a team, whether we are at school or at home. When we were looking for the charity statistics, we learned that not all charities will post past tax and revenue information. While working on the test product, we learned that we needed to change our unit of measurements, from ounces to tablespoons. Personally, I have learned so much from doing this project, from choosing a charity, finding different costs and statistics, thinking of an item to make, making a test product, presentations, and to putting all the money into a special cause. I learned one big thing, Practice Makes Perfect . Backward-Looking During this project, we have encountered minor problems...