Charity Fair Project Blog - 12/21/17

Charity Fair Project Blog: Victor N. 8B

Above : Our Charity Fair Trifold (Created in Elective)


To start off, this is my second and last Charity Fair in the AdVENTURE program. My group, Riccardo, Sohini, and I chose to help World of Children charities, by making fortune cookies. I learned that we should always work as a team, whether we are at school or at home. When we were looking for the charity statistics, we learned that not all charities will post past tax and revenue information. While working on the test product, we learned that we needed to change our unit of measurements, from ounces to tablespoons. Personally, I have learned so much from doing this project, from choosing a charity, finding different costs and statistics, thinking of an item to make, making a test product, presentations, and to putting all the money into a special cause. I learned one big thing, Practice Makes Perfect.


During this project, we have encountered minor problems while we were working on this piece. For example, we decided our tasks on each part of the project. Together as a group, we finished the math pieces (Cost & Profit and Stats), the ELA ignite presentation, and the history PSA and research. But, we had trouble on the trifold and the product. We couldn't decide who will do which and where we will do it. Then Sohini fixed this conflict and suggested she would do the trifold at her house, while Riccardo and I do the fortune cookies. As you can see, during this project, we have encountered some problems while we working on this piece, but we found a way to solve the problems.


Throughout this project, I saw some satisfying and unsatisfying parts. For example, when making the test product, we saw that the fortune cookies might be soggy or soft when we sell it during Charity Fair night. So we tested this out, and learned if we make and package the cookies a day before, the fortune cookies won't absorb a lot of air and be soggy. For a satisfying part, we finished the math parts, ELA presentation, and history parts with no problems / small issues. We learned if we split different jobs to each person, we will get the job done quicker. As you can see, during this project, I saw some successful and unsatisfying parts.


While working on this project, I felt like our project was different from other people, but the process was similar. Our product was different from other people because I didn't see anyone else making fortune cookies. But, I saw other people making food which is similar to us. Our process is similar because everyone had a research part to do about their charity, the math part to do, then making their test product. After all that, we had an instructable and trifold to make in elective, and finally, an ignite presentation in language arts, As you can see, during this project, I feel our process was different from others, but yet quite similar.


During and after this project, I felt like we could improve on something. My group talked about this and said, if we even do something similar to do this project or come back next year, we should make not only food but items that people can buy. We started talking about this before Charity Fair night, because we saw that many people made food, and some people made merchandise. During Charity Fair, we saw that many people bought food, and many people bought items. So we talked about it after, and that when we said, we should make both food and drinks, and merchandise so people can buy some of each. As you can see, during and after this project, we felt like we could improve on something.

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