Elements - 4/9/17

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 7A

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This week, we have learned many things. This week, we had block schedule due to testing, so only had this class Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday, we finished up some notes about the organizations of the periodic table. I learned that there are 8 groups. For group 1 that has 1 electron in the outer shell, it goes to group 8 with 8 electrons. We then completed a worksheet, while completing a game. In the game, there are hints that you have find out the element. For example, if this element is stable, and has 3 electrons etc.. On Wednesday, we did a worksheet about mixtures, compound, substances, and elements. This worksheet, was kind of review from when we did the Matter Classification Chat. A compound is made of 2 or different elements. A mixture is a substance made by more than 1 type of atom. An element is a substance made entirely of 1 type of atom.A pure substance is a substance made by one type of atom. On Friday, we finished the worksheet. We sorta also did a lab. This lab had us understand heterogenous and homogeneous mixtures more. The first example was heterogeneous mixture. There were beads, M&M's and cottons balls. This was heterogeneous, because you can see the different parts in the mixture. The second example, we looked at was a homogeneous mixture. It was salt and water. This was homogeneous because you can't really see the different parts. As you can see, we learned different things this week

SP1 - Asking questions and Define Problems

I formulate testable questions, when I was completing that game and doing that lab. During the game, the hints helped us find the element. I asked my table, "What could the element possibly be? And during the lab, I also asked questions. Like when we were looking at the heterogeneous mixture, I asked my partner, "What are the different parts you see and don't see, that could make this mixture heterogeneous or homogeneous?" As you can see, I asked questions during the games and lab.

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