Greatest Show on Earth - Evolution I - 10/1/17

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 8B Summary Evolution. That is, evolution is any change in the heritable traits within a population across generations, which means descent with modifications. Healthy living things can make copies of themselves. For example, A and B can mate and make AB, but if there is any change, then evolution has occurred. You can refer the Five Fingers of Evolution, to Mechanism of Evolution. The first finger or the pinky represents that population can shrink. For instance, if no one mates with C, then it will, so forth... The second or ring finger represents mating/sexual reproduction. This is where 2 mates have a baby(ies). The third or middle finger represents mutation - when there's a change in the DNA. The fourth or index finger represents movement/gene flow - when gene moves from one population to another. These four fingers are the cause of evolution. The last or the thumb represents natural selection. This is only one that can lead up to adaptations,...