Geologic Time Project Blog - Geologic Time III - 9/17/17

Geologic Time Project Blog: Victor N. 8B

Image link: My phone


This project was quite interesting to me. I learned many things about the geologic time. We use the geologic time scale to look back at Earth's history in different sections. The biggest chunk in Earth's time is called eons, which is split in 4 eras. Eras is the second biggest piece in Earth's time. Eras are split into different periods, which is the smallest piece in Earth's time. The first era, the Precambrian era, is known to be the Age of Earth and Lava. The era is split into 3 periods, The Hadean period, The Archean period, and The Proterozoic period, which all happened about 4.6 billion years to about 600 million years ago. Throughout the era and periods, Earth was created through rocks, and large fragments of dust and debris. The second era, the Paleozoic era ended the Precambrian era and, is known to be the Age of Fishes. The era is split into 6 periods: the Cambrian period, the Ordovician period, Silurian period, the Devonian period, the Carboniferous period, and the Permian period, which took place about 542 to 251 million years ago. Throughout the era and periods, the Cambrian explosion happened and formed many marine animals and fish to appear. To the end of the era, walking animals started to colonize the land. The third era, the Mesozoic era ended the Paleozoic era and, is known to be the Age of Reptiles. The era is split into 3 periods: The Jurassic Period, the Triassic period, and the Cretaceous period, which took place about 265 to 66.4 million years ago. Throughout the era and period, dinosaurs evolved from diapsids, then had a mass extinction, and the supercontinent called Pangea started to spread out into 7 continents. The fourth era, the Cenozoic era ended the Mesozoic era and, is known to be the Age of Mammals. The era is split into 2 periods: The Quaternary Period and The Tertiary Period, which took place about 65 million years ago to today. Throughout the era and periods, mammals and humans evolved. As you can see, the geologic time project was interesting project to me.

Backward Looking - Does this work tell a story?

This work did tell a story. Since we are learning about the geologic time, it shows that throughout Earth's time and history, many things has happened. Through the evolution of Earth in the Precambrian era, we travel to the Paleozoic era. In this era, the evolution of fish and marine animals evolved. Through that, we go to the Mesozoic era, where reptiles were evolved and dinosaurs were extinct. Lastly, we travel to the Cenozoic era to where we are now, where mammals and humans are evolved and born. As you can see, this piece of work did tell a story. It tells the story of evolution and creation of Earth's time and history.

Inward Looking - What were your goals for meeting this piece of work? Did your goals change as you worked on it? Did you meet your goals?

My group and I had some goals before starting this project. Our goals were to at the end of the project: meet Ms. Garcia's requirements and to have a interactive board. We accomplished our goal. We had an interactive board with color, flaps and pop-up. We complete our own part of research. And together as a class, we made Ms. Garcia happy. As you can see, this is my group's goal.

Outward Looking - In what ways did your work meet the standards for this assignment? In what ways did it not meet those standards?

After completing the project, my team members and I looked back at our work. We saw that most of our work met the standards of this project, and there was some things that did not meet those standards. For example, we met the standards of this project by researching each of the 4 eras, we made it interactive, and we presented our work with all the information. In our opinion, we did not meet the standards by not having enough information. We saw that other group had important events, etc.. We only had name, Age of, Climate, Animals, and Plants. As you can see, there were some parts that we did and did not meet the standards of this project.

Forward Looking- One thing I would like to improve upon is ..

After finishing the project, looking at our project, then looking at other groups' project, I/we would like to improve on some things. For instance, I would like to add more things to make interactive. I don't know that thing is yet. Right now for our project, we have only flaps and pop-up. I saw in other groups, they had visual handmade book that people can take and read. Some groups had a spinning thing, and some group had flaps like us but a better version. I would also improve on adding more information to the board. As you can see, I would like to improve some things.

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