Charity Fair Journey of Fortune Cookies - 12/3/17
Weekly Blog : Victor N. 8B Image : Journey of Fortune Cookies Map Summary Air pollution can be caused by many things and can really affect the environment. A common way pollution can be caused is through transportation, like vehicles, trains, boats, and planes. Materials in the products we buy, go through a process and travel through a lot of places. You can find how far your product traveled by checking where it's made. When you have found how many miles the product, you can find the carbon footprint. For each mile the product travel, it emits a number of grams of CO2 per kilogram of raw material. This is the amount of CO2 emitted and released in the air, during the trip of your product. The process of a product, like transporting it, is a common way air pollution is caused. S&EP: Using Models / Mathematics This week, my group and I used models when we create our map for our Journey of Fortune Cookies. We created this map to represent the distance that our mate...