FLUXX Mod - 11/12/17

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 8B


Starting this new project seems interesting. We have to work with a partner to make a deck of Fluxx cards with key concepts of a science topic, due on Thursday 11/16. My partner and I chose Genetics. Our 16+ keepers are the key concepts of the topic. For example, we have DNA, genotypes, Punnett Squares, Protein, etc.. Our 24+ goals relationship between the keepers. In the game of Fluxx, whoever accomplishes the goal, wins. For example, DNA and Genes make up Cell Copy Machine. Whoever gets DNA and Genes in their deck, wins the games. Our 4+ Creepers prevent players to win. For example, if the Creeper card says "Protein," whoever has protein cannot win. Our Action cards basically just tells the players what to do, and the Rules cards are the rules of the game and keep adding on. This project should be fun to play at the end of this week.

SP2 - Using models

Through this week, I used models when my partner and I created the Genetic Fluxx Cards. We had images on the Keeper cards to show what it looks like. We created the Goals card to show relationships between the keeper cards. We also created the Creeper cards to prevent some players from winning. As you can see, my partner and I used models when we created the Genetic Fluxx Cards.

XCC - Cause and Effect

There are many cause and effect relationships me and my partner saw when we created our Fluxx cards. For example, the Keeper cards, Fertilization and Mutation make up Reproduction. Whoever has those 2 cards, wins. Fertilization and Mutation make up Reproduction, because reproduction is creating new organisms called offsprings, from their parents. Fertilization help initiate the development of the offspring, and mutation affect the offspring's DNA. As you can see, this is an example of a cause and effect relationship we saw, when making our deck. There are plenty of more relationships that we noticed.


This week, I was a Creator, because I wanted to get the project started. I wanted to help my partner be successful in this project.

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