FLUXX Mod Project Blog - 11/19/17

FLUXX Mod Project Blog: Victor N. 8B

Our FLUXX cards in play.


Through this project, we were to work with a partner to create a Fluxx mod. In the Fluxx mod, there are 16+ Keepers, which helps you accomplish the 24+ Goal and win. Throughout the game, you have to follow the 1 Basic Rule and the 16+ New Rules that player put down. 4+ Creepers prevent you from winning and 16+ Action cards is what you have to do. Me and my partner's Fluxx mod topic is Genetics. We had some common key concepts for our keepers like: DNA, genes, phenotypes, and Punnett Square. We use what we know to create relationships between the keepers, for the goals. Fertilization and Mutation make up Reproduction. Whoever has those 2 cards, wins. Fertilization and Mutation make up Reproduction, because reproduction is creating new organisms called offsprings, from their parents. Fertilization help initiate the development of the offspring, and mutation affect the offspring's DNA. Creating a Fluxx mod helps us learn how to create cards, the science topic we chose, and to create relationship for Cross Cutting Concepts.

Bold-What is inside the deck

Backward Looking - What resources did you use while working on this piece? Which ones were especially helpful? Which ones would you use again?

For this project, I used 3 different things: the website with the card templates and rubric, contact paper, and cardstock. I also used images from different sites, with their credit. I wouldn't say the cardstock and contact paper were/weren't "helpful," because we needed to use those materials to make the cards. The website with the card templates and rubric was helpful. All we had to do was change the names, images, and description on the template and print it out. The rubric showed us what we needed. As you can see, these are the resources I used during this project.

Inward Looking - What were your goals for meeting this piece of work? Did your goals change as you worked on it? Did you meet your goals?

Me and my partner had 2 goals to finishing the project. Our goal for the first week was to pick our topic, and to finish all our cards. We semi-completed our goal. We finished all the cards except the Goals cards. Our goal for the second week was to print and cut the cards. We finished our FLUXX mod on Tuesday. These helped us finished the project earlier, as to some groups finished last minute.

Outward Looking - Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?

My partner and I didn't really do things differently. Like other partner, we used the template to match it to our topic. We then printed the cards out, laminated it, and then cut them. But, me and my partner worked a bit faster. By the time we were cutting our cards, some groups were still working on the card, having some barely start. I saw some groups change the design of the cards. Otherwise, me and my partner worked similar to other groups. 

Forward Looking - One thing I would like to improve upon is ...

One thing I would like to improve upon is our card looks. Even though, we got full points for the Craftsmanship. We had many cards that did not have straight lines, and were odd. We just made sure we had similar size shapes and the front was okay. We can improve on our back too. We just have a basic genetic back, while other groups had better ones. As you can see, these are things I would like to improve upon.

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