Evolution Project Blog - Evolution VI - 11/4/17

Evolution Project Blog: Victor N. 8B

our slouse


This project was quite interesting to me. In this project, I am to work with my team to create a species that fits into its environment, whether is Planet A, B, C, or D. We chose The Slouse, because it fits in the environment of Planet A. The slouse is made up of the two main animals, sloth, and mouse. The slouse has the speed and claws of a sloth and is the size of a mouse. The slouse will stay warm by taking crevices of rocks and under its shell. The fur will also keep it warm. It will get its food and water by scooping with its strong and long tongue. The slouse will eat mostly insects and plants. It will avoid its predators by hiding under its rock and camouflaging with other dark surroundings. The slouse will care for its young by staying close to it until they mature. The slouse is placed between the mouse and fish. The large hunting cats are the predators. The slouse is very well at climbing trees but is not tall. As you can see, the slouse is a mouse like a creature that will adapt to the environment, Planet A, a planet that is dark, cold, and wet most of the time.

Backward Looking - What process did you go through to produce this piece?

We went through a process that most people gone through to produce our piece. First, we chose our Planet, which was Planet A. Then, we looked at what animals were on that planet. We saw that large hunting cats, mouse-like creatures, insects, and plants were on there. We had to make a species that would survive in the dark, cold, and rain and would be smaller than a cat and bigger than a mouse. One of teammate had an idea of having the animal be a bit bigger than a mouse, about the size of a hand. We also said its speed should fit in between a cat and a mouse. So we chose a sloth that isn't too slow, and it had strong claws that help it climb trees. We have our animals that would survive in the environment. Now, we name it. I said slouse because Sl in sloth adds to ouse in mouse. We then answered the questions and started to construct our model, which was made of clay. As you can see, we went through a process to create our piece.

Inward Looking - What were your goals for meeting this piece of work? Did your goals change as you worked on it? Did you meet your goals?

My group and I had some goals before starting this project. Our goals were to at the end of the project: meet Ms. Garcia's requirements of answering the questions about the species and to have a detailed sketch. We accomplished our goal, sorta. We had a sketch, but it wasn't enough. If we wanted to do a drawing, we had to draw in a poster-size paper. So, we changed our goal and instead wanted to make a model. And together as a class, we made Ms. Garcia happy, I think. As you can see, this is my group's goal of following the requirements and making a model.

Outward Looking - In what ways did your work meet the standards for this assignment? In what ways did it not meet those standards?

After completing the project, we saw that other groups had some things slightly different us. We met the standards by answers the required questions in our presentation. The questions were like, "How will the animal stay cool, and how will it get food and water? etc.." We also created a model, which was one option, a model or a detailed drawing. In our opinion, we did not meet the standard, because we didn't have enough information. Other groups had information of how the species evolved, we didn't really talk much about that.

Forward Looking- One thing I would like to improve upon is ..

I would like to improve on some things. For example, if I had a bit more time, I would work on the model more. The project was due at the end of class, Thursday. Our group had the model completed, with the body painted, the head connected to the body with its tongue, and the tail and legs connected. But on Friday, we noticed the legs were smooshed and the tail was cut off. We resolved the conflict, by quickly getting glue to fix the tail and legs. I would improve on getting those small details in the model. As you can see, I would like to on some things.

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