Potential & Kinetic Energy - Motion IV - 2/4/18

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 8B

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"Energy in motion is kinetic, energy that's waiting is potential. But whether it's kinetic or potential, both of them are energy."
Did you know that the greek word for "in" means "en," and the word "ergon" means work translates to energy? When you put these two together, you get energon / work in, which means energy. Energy means the ability to work and is split into 2 forms, kinetic and potential. When you have mass and speed, you have to the ability to do work. Work is measured in the unit of joules, using the formula Force x Distance = work. 1 joule equals the force of 1 newton acting through a distance of one meter. Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity and is the energy an object has due to its motion. Kinetic energy can be measured using the formula: 1/2(mass x speed^2). Potential energy is the energy stored and waiting to be used. Potential energy is split into 3 forms: gravitational, elastic, chemical. Gravitational is potential energy due to an object's position, it can be calculated using: Mass X height x gravity. Elastic energy is potential energy due to compression or expansion of an elastic object. Chemical energy is potential energy stored within the chemical bonds of an object.

SP6 - Constructing Explanations and Designing Solution

Throughout this week, I have been studying the topic of energy, focusing on potential and kinetic energy. To understand this, we watched videos, answered questions, and did a gizmo and other activities. I evaluated my information to explain the relationship between mass, speed, and energy. I explained how varying the mass/speed of the object with the same speed/mass could affect the output of the energy. I have also observed my learning to explain the output of the potential energy, learning when the potential energy decreases, the kinetic energy increases. As you can see, I used my information to construct explanations.

XCC - Stability and Change

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Through this week, my understanding of motion has grown, particularly energy. I noticed stability and change after looking at an example of kinetic energy. Take a look at the game of pool. A player uses a cue stick to hit a ball, to hit another ball into a pocket. But look at it deeper. The player's arm has energy which is transferred to the white cue ball because of the force applied. The energy in the white cue ball is then transferred to the object ball, forcing it to move in the pocket. Your movement allowed other things to move, like the balls. These balls have the same mass and is being pulled down to Earth by using the same force of gravity. As you can see, I noticed stability and change while learning about energy.

Multiplier - Learner

I was a learner this week, because I wanted to increase my understand of motion, in the topic of potential and kinetic energy.

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