Roller Coaster - Motion V - 2/11/18

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 8B


When you look at a roller coaster, what do you notice? There are different elements in a roller coaster, containing at least 1 turn, 1 loop, and 1 hill in every roller coaster. Even though you can't see it, it is there. There is some strategy when building a roller coaster, because you need to know what will make the car move. With strategy, there are some constraints into building a roller coaster. You would need to have the roller coaster on a base, and some support holding the ride. And of course, you cannot have the car stop by falling off the track and landing in a pit hole, you need to have a safe stop, so that your riders are safe. As you can see, the elements of a roller coaster makes it so that there is a "thrill factor" in the ride, and so people will be interested in riding.

SP2 - Using Models

I used models this week, when we started our new project, The Roller Coaster project. We are to create a roller coaster and to understand potential and kinetic energy, speed, Newton's laws, and scalars and vectors. By creating the ride, we can experiment to see which point has the highest and lowest kinetic energy, and which has the highest and lowest potential energy. We can see the marbles' acceleration and average speed. Also, we can see the different options of having a small/steep hill, wide turn, or big loop, that could affect the ride. As you can see, I used models to learn more about motion.

XCC - Stability and Change

While working on the new project, I have noticed some stability and change. For example, we had to test out different heights of the tubing. If one point is wrong, it will affect the entire ride and the marble can just fall off. This project relies on having the right position, if you don't, it will change the stability. One move will change the entire board which leads to modification. As you can see, I noticed stability and change while working on this project.

Multiplier : Learner

I was a learner this week, I wanted to engage with my group to create a roller coaster that will increase my understanding of motion.

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