Waves Through a Medium - Sound II - 3/11/18

Weekly Blog : Victor N. 8B

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Energy is split into waves. There are two types of waves, mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves is light and does not require a medium. When looking at electromagnetic waves, there is a spectrum that it follows: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, invisible light, Ultraviolet (UV), x-rays, and gamma rays. Mechanical waves is sound, and does require a medium. Sound waves are both mechanical waves and longitudinal waves. The medium it requires to travel through are like solids, gases, and liquids. Sound waves travel the fastest in a solid, because the molecules are packed tightly together. Sound waves travel slower but farther in a liquid, because the molecules are touching each other. Sound can't travel through gaps, which slows the wave down. Sound waves travels the slowest in a gas, because the molecules are far apart. 

SP2 - Using Models

This week, I used models when I was learning more about wave motion. My table group and I used a slinky to create 3 different wave motion: pulse waves, standing waves, and longitudinal waves. Pulse waves are like heart beats, standing waves are like when you play the guitar, and longitudinal waves are like water. The waves that were created using the slinky are mechanical waves, because the slinky was the matter, which is required for mechanical waves. The slinky produced sound waves and not light which is a factor in mechanical wave. As you can see, I used models to help me visual and learn more about waves.

XCC - Cause and Effect

This week, we also learned about analog and digital technology. Analog is an analogy of the information being sent and records the original information. Digital are analog waveforms that are in numbers, pictures, and/or words. Sampling is an analog to digital conversion. A good way to see cause and effect is through sampling. An example of sampling is when you speak in a phone. Your voice is energy traveling through air into the microphone of the phone. This then converts the voice/energy to electrical signals. Analog is more accurate than digital. This is because analog records the original information while you can lose some information through digital. As you can see, I noticed some cause and effect while learning about analog and digital technology.

Multiplier - Learner

This week I was a learner because I wanted to learn more about how waves work and differences between analog and digital technology.

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