
Showing posts from October, 2016

The Urinary System

Human Body Redesign : The Urinary System Body System Function:  The urinary system is a system of filtering. When you are thirsty, you drink beverages. Where does the liquid go? In your urinary system. In there, chemicals are going inside the liquid and the water is getting cleaned. After that, your liquid waste goes out, when you're in the restroom. Organs:  Kidneys: Two organ s  that filter waste from the blood and produce urine. Bladder:   A sac that keeps your urine. Ureters: Its takes the urine from the kidney to the bladder . Urethra: It carries the urine out from the bladder, when you urinate.  One Organ's Structure and Function:  Personally, I think the main function o f the urinary system is the bladder. I think this, because the bladder is sac that keeps your urine. You kinda need a bladder to hold your urine. The bladder's shape,

The Digestive System

Human Body Redesign : The Digestive System Body System Function:  The digestive system's job to break down food. When you are hungry, you eat food. Where does that food go? In your digestive system, where all the food gets broken down, all into a pulp. after that, it travels through your intestine and then to our stomach. So, the digestive system break down food. Organs: Esophagus:  It squeezes food down into the stomach. Stomach:  Stores food. Food is turned and mixed with enzymes.  Intestine:  This is where food is absorbed. One Organ's Structure and Function: Perso nally, I think the main function of the digestive system is the esophagus. I think this because the esophagus helps squeeze the food down into the stomach. In order to get food down into the stomach, you need an esophagus. Without it, the food be going somewhere else, or would be staying in the same place. Even

The Muscular System

Human Body Redesign : The Muscular System Body System Function:  The muscular system's function is movement. The muscular system helps you move, whether you want to or not. You don't have control on most of the muscular system. That's called an organ called, involuntary muscle. Voluntary muscles are under conscious control which means, it moves based on y our  mind. So the muscular system help you move. Organs: Voluntary Muscle:  This is found in other organs. It's job to move substances around the organ. Cardiac Muscle:  This is only in the heart. It's job is to pump blood throughout the body. Smooth Muscle:  This is only voluntary, which means it move consciously, which moves on your mind. One Organ's Structure and Function: Personally, I think the main function of the muscular system is the cardiac muscle. I think this, because the cardiac muscle helps p

The Circulatory System

Human Body Redesign : The Circulatory System Circulatory System Body System Function:  The cardiovascular system is a cycle that moves blood from your heart to every part of your body. It's also a transportation that carries chemicals to your points of your body. So the cardiovascular system is a transportation that moves chemicals and blood.  Main Organs: Heart: This is a muscle that pumps blood through your body. It handles 3 types of circulation. Aorta: Receives oxygenated blood pumped from your heart. Veins: Leads circulatory fluids back to the heart. Blood: Circulates in the arteries and veins. Capillaries: Vessels that allow most of the transfer of compounds and dissolved gases. One Organ's Structure and Function: Personally, I think the main function of the cardiovascular system is the heart. I think this because the heart is like a power source. In other words, hearts make energy for the human body. With the heart, it creates blood. Now

The Skeletal System

Human Body Redesign : The Skeletal System Skeletal System Body System Function:  The bones in the skeletal system is like a frame, or structure. It helps your muscles and organs connect. The skeletal systems is also an act of protection. This helps protect your skull and most of your internal organs. So, the skeletal system is like a frame and is protection. Major Organs: Bones: The skeleton is made up bones. Bones help you move your muscles. Ligaments: These are tough tissues that connect one bone to another. Tendons: This is equally tough tissues that connects your bones to your muscles. Cartilages: T his  protects the bones from rubbing against each other and creating pain. Joints: This is where the bones meet. Structure and Function: Personally, I think the main function of the skeletal system is the cartilage. I think this because the protects the bones from moving around. In other words, it helps you move. Just because you have bones, do

Cell Energy Cycle - 10/16/16

Weekly Blog : Victor Nguyen 7A Image Image Location on Wikipedia Summary This week I did some pretty cool and interesting things. For example, we started to learn about osmosis, or movement across membranes. Osmosis is when one solution has a higher/lower concentration on the inside or outside. After doing the Day 1 worksheet, we did the Day 2 worksheet. In the Day 2 worksheet, we observed eggs that were in vinegar for a day, the beginning weight, and then put it into different solutions, like water, salt water, corn syrup, and the original solution, vinegar. The next day, we realized that mainly all the eggs decreased their beginning weight. In addition, the look of the eggs changed from a little to a lot. For instance, some of the eggs were small and glowing to puff and darken. When we learned about osmosis, we also learned about hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic. This means, when there more solutes, on the inside, outside, or the same. Now, it our turn. Each group

Biomolecules - 10/2/16

Weekly Blog: Victor Nguyen 7A Image I didn't take a picture of my foldable, so heres the link to this photo: Summary This week I did many things. For example, first the first 2-3 class periods, we started to learn more about Biomolecules. There are carbons, that forms a total of 4 bonds and can form straight chains, branched chains, or rings giving living. There are also organic compounds, which is a compound that contains carbon. There's carbohydrates,  lipids, protein, and nucleic acids. Each of these biological molecules are made of one or some of these elements, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, or sulfur (CHONPS). Each and every of these biological molecules has a monomer. Carbohydrates's monomer is saccharide. The monomer for lipids is fatty acid. Protein's monomer is amino acid. Lastly, the monomer for unclean and is nucleotide. For the last 2 class periods, we made a foldable with descripti