Biomolecules - 10/2/16

Weekly Blog: Victor Nguyen 7A


I didn't take a picture of my foldable, so heres the link to this photo:


This week I did many things. For example, first the first 2-3 class periods, we started to learn more about Biomolecules. There are carbons, that forms a total of 4 bonds and can form straight chains, branched chains, or rings giving living. There are also organic compounds, which is a compound that contains carbon. There's carbohydrates,  lipids, protein, and nucleic acids. Each of these biological molecules are made of one or some of these elements, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, or sulfur (CHONPS). Each and every of these biological molecules has a monomer. Carbohydrates's monomer is saccharide. The monomer for lipids is fatty acid. Protein's monomer is amino acid. Lastly, the monomer for unclean and is nucleotide. For the last 2 class periods, we made a foldable with descriptions of biomolecules and we took a mastery quest. The very lasted thing we did and started on was photosyntheses. 

SP2 : Developing and using models

This week I developed and used models. For instance, did I create a picture? Yes, I created pictures, when I made the foldable on Thursday. The pictures I had to draw was of examples of the four biological molecules. I drew bread, eggs (proteins), DNA, and butter. In addition, did I make a graph? Yes, I think I created a graph when I also made that foldable. Inside the foldable was description of the biological molecule. On Friday, I would say I used a graph, when I looked at the photosyntheses graphs and visual image. As you can see, this week I developed and used models, when I look at biomolecules and photosyntheses. 

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