The Urinary System

Human Body Redesign : The Urinary System

Body System Function: 

The urinary system is a system of filtering. When you are thirsty, you drink beverages. Where does the liquid go? In your urinary system. In there, chemicals are going inside the liquid and the water is getting cleaned. After that, your liquid waste goes out, when you're in the restroom.


Kidneys: Two organthat filter waste from the blood and produce urine.

Bladder:  A sac that keeps your urine.

Ureters: Its takes the urine from the kidney to the bladder .

Urethra: It carries the urine out from the bladder, when you urinate. 

One Organ's Structure and Function: 

Personally, I think the main function of the urinary system is the bladder. I think this, because the bladder is sac that keeps your urine. You kinda need a bladder to hold your urine. The bladder's shape, size, and structure help keep the urine inside. The size is about the same size of any sac. The shape of it, is circular, and the structure of it, is a hollow muscular organ. Without it, the urine would just be going somewhere else. With the bladder, it holds your urine, until you need to go to the restroom. So as you can see, I think the main function is the bladder.

Interactions with Other Systems: 

The urinary system doesn't work alone. The urinary system interacts closely with the circulatory system. The urinary filters your liquid waste. Blood from the circulatory system, passes through the two kidneys. Both systems help each others. So as you can see, the urinary system doesn't work alone, it works closely with the circulatory system.

The urinary system is like the filter, because a filter, helps separate different things from one another. Like water, it separate the germs from the water, make it clean.
In the urinary system, it cleans your body, by filtering out all the germs from your urine. All your urine/liquid waste goes out when you urinate.
The cleaning part of the filter is like the urinary system, because they both clean intuit process.


I would have two bladders. I would because urinary infection/bladder infection is very common; it's when it make you urge to urine. Plus, many people in the world like to drink a lot of beverages. If you had two bladders, you can hold up all the urine/liquid waste, until you need to go to the restroom. As you can see, I would add another bladder


  • Studios, Andrew Rader. "Excretion Is Not Elimination." Animal Systems: Excretory System. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.
  • "Your Urinary System." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. The Nemours Foundation, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.

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